Murchira – About The Spice

The Middle East has always been home to some of the world’s most flavorful and exotic spices. Over the centuries these spices were used to not only add flavor to food, but also help balance the body and mind.

In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in these ancient spices, as more people are looking to find natural ways to improve the flavor of their food and their overall well-being

At Murchira, we love spice

At Murchira, we believe that great flavor comes from three flagship spices. Sun dried chili peppers, turmeric, and garlic. We understand their power and are passionate about bringing these ancient treasures to your table in the way that nature intended. That’s why we use the old world’s most tried and true method for drying and preserving our spices. Sunlight.

How we do it

Harnessing the power of the sun to evaporate the water from our peppers, garlic, and turmeric retains their natural flavors and nutrients. It makes for a more intense flavor that is also easier for your body to digest and absorb.

It also means that we don’t need to add sugar, salt, chemicals, or any additives that you often find in other store-bought spices. Sun drying also helps to preserve the vibrant natural colors of the spices.

There's nothing quite like the smell of fresh spices wafting through the air

When you walk into a room where someone is cooking with fresh spices you can’t help but be hit with a wave of heat and flavor. You may even be reminded of a specific or unique culinary memory. For me, I am reminded of my childhood, growing up in Afghanistan.

I was inspired by my mother’s cooking. Traditional middle eastern dishes seasoned with fresh spices purchased from the local market. To this day I still believe it is some of the best food I’ve ever eaten.

Now as an adult, I still admire the spices for their aromatic qualities, but I also recognize the benefit they can have on one’s health.

When you take a bite of food that’s been seasoned with Murchira, you can truly taste the difference. The flavor is much more complex and powerful than anything found on supermarket shelves.

At Murchira, we are on a mission to bring you the best quality spices in the world

We source our spices from local farmers who grow them using traditional methods. This means that they are of the highest quality and full of flavor.

We then hand-peel and sun-dry our spices to preserve their natural goodness. The result is a spice blend that is unlike anything you have ever tasted before.

So, if you are looking to add an all-natural kick of flavor and nutrition to your cooking, look no further than Murchira.

Murchira: Old world flavor for the modern age

Murchira: About the owner

My parents immigrated from Afghanistan in order to give myself and my siblings a better, more prosperous life. Although we had to leave our old lifestyle behind, we never abandoned the unique culinary traditions that Afghanistan is known for. I now live in America with my husband and two children, and I have always believed it was my life purpose to teach them the importance of good food and good health. When I started growing my own spices in my backyard, I immediately noticed a difference in my cooking. It reminded me of home, of my mother, and I could see the same joy in my children’s faces that I experienced with my mother’s cooking. I always thought if you had good food, it deserved to be shared. So now it is my mission to spread the joy and good health of Murchira to the public and elevate all cuisine to the standards of old world cooking.

Here are just a couple of dishes that you can transform with a little Murchira Magic

Pizza: Use as a topping or season before baking. A little goes a long way!

Steak: Ditch your supermarket spice blend and season your steaks with a bit of ethnic kick!

Murchira also goes great on pasta, hamburgers, grilled chicken, ground beef, and so much more!